Group POR
- Scouts Programme Planning Tool
- Scout Association Activity Finder Tool
- Scouts A to Z General Activity Guidance
Useful forms and information below click to open
How 2 Videos below click to open
- OSM Basics 1 (How to enter badge requirements)
- OSM Basics 2 (How to Find and reference badge requirements)
- OSM Basics 3 (Personal Data and how to contact people on OSM)
- OSM Basics 4 (Camps & Activities and other OSM Bits & Bobs)
- OSM Basics 5 (Creating patrols sixes etc in OSM)
- OSM Basics 6 (Adding questions for parents on events)
- OSM Basics 7 (Change of Year & Terms)
- Other Systems 8 and Ways of Working
Policy Organisation & Rules
Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) defines the structure of Scouting in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and provides information about its management and training. A copy can be viewed by clicking the link below.
The below are Group specific, Policy Procedures and Training. Please email should you be unable to find the information you are looking for.
Group Policy & Procedures below click to open
All Group Policies are reviewed on 1st May every year. Any amendments will be made, and policies re-issued
- Group Behaviour Policy
- Group First Aid Equipment
- Group Bullying Policy
- Knives on Camp
- Leaders Attending other Section’s Camps & Activities
- Leaders Expenses
- Camp, Activities and Wednesday Night Costings Policy
- Group Communications to parents and members
- Leaders Changing Sections
- Leaders Uniform Policy
- Minibus Fatigue and Drink Driving
- Over the Counter Medication Policy
- Own Children in Group
- Parents Facebook Admin Responsibilities
- Parents Group Communications
- Cancellations, payments & refunds
- Personal use of Minibus
- Safeguarding, Safety and Alcohol
- Social Media and Youth Members
- Leaders Spending Own Money for Group
- Sub Payments from Missed Weeks
- Use of Group Campsite ‘The Cabin’ Raby Estate
- Waiting List Policy
- Group IT equipment
- Scout use of own mobile phone
- Online meeting policy
- G.D.P.R. Statement and Policy and Advice for Leaders / Parents